CES and Alcoholism

red-wine-1004255_1920Microcurrent therapy may be a “new kid on the block” for most of us, but it has been extensively researched for some years now – about 60, to be exact. In my attempts to gather as much literature as I can on the subject, I occasionally come across a “golden oldie” – an article that’s been around for some time, but is only now being brought to my attention. Here is one of these golden oldies.

In a paper published in 1990 in defence of his M.Sc. thesis in Psychology, TS Malec found that CES is significantly better than sham treatment in dealing with certain aspects of alcoholism. The title of his thesis was “Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the Treatment of Primary Alcoholism”. The study looked at 62 alcoholic subjects who received either a low intensity CES treatment over four weeks (five sessions per week) or sham treatment. Weekend binge drinking was significantly reduced by CES treatment, but other aspects were influenced less dramatically.

This may partly be due to the rather high frequency (100 Hz) and low intensity current that was used, but it also points to the multi-factorial nature of addictions – and the complex nature of treating them. However, based on studies such as this one and anecdotes I have received from smokers in particular, it does seem that microcurrent treatment such as provided by the Elexoma is very useful as an extra help when combating addictions.

The article summary can be found here.

Read the article in PDF here.


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