When should I treat myself?

For most people, it is easiest to treat themselves in the morning, maybe during breakfast or while on the way to work.  A few people report feeling tired after a …

How long should I treat myself?

In general, you can accept the pre-set treatment times for each programme.  One treatment a day is more than enough in most cases.  To give you an idea of just …

What intensity should I use?

Most published CES research studies were conducted at either 100 uAmp or 200 uAmp.  The reason for this is that such a level is so low that the human skin …

What about guarantees and product support?

The Elexoma Medic™ offers excellent Swiss technical product support providing: Comprehensive medical and technical in-house support. Comprehensive 2-year factory carry-in warranty. A one year carry-in money-back guarantee on purchased devices …

What are the benefits of using Elexoma Medic?

Chemical free – A safe and effective drug-free solution with no toxic side-effects , Elexoma Medic provides an alternative to prescription drugs. Cost-effective – Our rental contract ensures that monthly …