How Micro-Electric Therapy works

How microcurrent therapy works

Before I jump in and explain the programmes, just a note about how microcurrent therapy works. You may safely skip this section if you want, but I find it fascinating, so bear with me as I elaborate.

The 1997 Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded to a Chinese researcher, Dr Ngok Cheng, who in 1982 published a paper showing how microcurrent stimulation increased the level of ATP in cells by 500%. Oops, I did it again! I used a TLA! In this case, I am not going to explain it, however, since ATP refers to the name of a molecule and your eyes will probably glaze over if I start mentioning the names of molecules. ATP is no ordinary molecule (if there is such a thing as an ordinary molecule, that is). ATP is the body’s energy currency. Like money, you can’t do business without it. The body’s cells manufacture ATP and then various cell processes use that ATP for power. Without ATP, no reactions can take place inside the cell and the cell dies. Every day, you and I need some 75 kg of ATP to survive. Yes, that’s right: 75 kg!

“Hey, wait a minute!” I hear you saying, “I hardly weigh 75 kg, so where do I get 75 kg of ATP from?” Aha, I’m glad you asked. ATP is not a use-once-throw-away-twice kind of molecule. It is quite possibly the most recycled item in the universe. Once an ATP molecule has been used to provide energy, it is recycled, re-energised and re-deployed. Every molecule of ATP in your body gets recycled approximately 1,200 times a day. Yes: A DAY. That’s once every minute, give or take.

Now let’s get back to Dr Ngok Cheng and his Nobel prize. Do you understand why the Nobel prize awards committee got so excited about his research? ATP is mostly formed in the presence of carbohydrates and oxygen. If you don’t eat, you die. If you don’t breathe, you die. Why? Because your cells can’t manufacture ATP. Dr Cheng’s research showed a new way of regenerating ATP, one that did not primarily involve oxygen or carbohydrates. A weak current was all it took to increase ATP levels in the cell by 500% or more. And that is what the Elexoma is all about.

What’s the big deal? Well, with all that ATP inside your cells, they are able to do the work they need to do. All the body’s cells are under continuous attack from all sorts of villains. It takes a lot of ATP for the cell to repair itself. Sometimes, cell damage is so extensive that the cell has no energy left to do anything else (think how you feel after a Washing & Ironing Monday…). That is when we experience Loss of Function, for example, when an ankle is sprained, or a muscle is bruised. The pain and swelling is the body’s way of keeping the affected area still while cell repair takes place. Every time you move, the pain tells you to stop.

Now, if you apply MET to the injured area, the MET increases the ATP in the injured cells. They repair themselves much faster (think 500%) and tell the brain, “All is OK, you can switch off the pain report and drain the swelling!” (OK, that’s not quite true, but you get the picture). And this, my dear Watson, is how MET works for pain and healing. Thank you for listening so attentively. The lecture is over.

Using the Elexoma leads and electrodes
Almost all about MET