Great service

I have never, in my life (and I am quite advanced in age already) experienced the kind of service excellence that I have with Integrow. – Mrs SvV, Durban

Dankie vir uitstekende produk

Die Elexoma werk uitstekend!! Ook sommer nou al vir sinusse en ander pyne en skete. Baie dankie vir ‘n uitstekende produk!!!!!!! – Mev IB, Hartenbos

Ease from Tennis Elbow

Thank you very much. I received my parcel today and can now continue treating my Tennis Elbow. Well to be honest, the great advice Dr Frank Muller sent on Tennis …

No more headaches

Unbelievable, can’t believe after getting such bad headaches every month and after using MC [microcurrent] for two weeks no more headaches, I’ve told various friends who suffer from headaches to …

Alternative to medication

Thanks so much for all the interesting information. I really appreciate it. I am truly amazed at the benefits of the Elexoma. With today’s stressful lifestyle it appears that the …

Pain relief for back and knees

I just have to tell you that I am suitably bowled over by your machine!!! After one treatment on my sinuses, I have woken up 3 mornings in a row …

ADD treatment

Today I treated a young lady of 29, who has always been seriously ADD, but had literally reached the end of the road, saying that she felt as though she …

Chronic cluster headaches no more

I am a very busy mom of three children aged 9 months,2 years and 8 years old. My eldest son of eight suffers from autism. I hardly have time for …

Fibromyalgia help

Loving it – it has certainly helped me with the fibromyalgia – mostly using the earlobe electrodes. – HU, Johannesburg

Depression fog gone

I’m a 37 year old female who has been battling with depression for approximately 4 years and have not been on treatment for 2 years, I just got tired of …


Ek en my Elexoma doen baie goed! My pynvlakke het so toegeneem dat ek regtig begin oorweeg het om selfmoord te pleeg. Toe kry ek iemand om my te help …

Jetlag and headache relief

This Elexoma is fantastic…..use it almost every morning as I’m going through a very stressful time and I’m now sure it helps anxiety and depression tremendously. We have recently returned …

Trauma healing

I recently leased the Elexoma Medic. All I can say is WOW!!!! I have had M.E. for 10 years, and it is truly helping me with my most severe symptoms …

Anxiety gone

I know that Elexoma definitely helps lots. This is really sure. My anxiety left very soon after I started using it. And I didn’t have any anxiety while coming off …

Improved memory

I would like to inform you of my brief experience since using the Elexoma. I literally am sleeping like a baby now, and I study better. I was an A student …


Wou net sê dat ek pynvry is!!!! Wel, ten minste die hele nag en vandag nog GEEN pyn hoegenaamd…. weet nie hoe en wat werk die Elexoma nie maar nietemin, …

No more meds

Thank you so much , again, for the Elexoma. I know it works!!! I am not taking any of the meds. anymore. I am forever grateful!!! – AN, Wisconsin, USA

Severe Migraines

Yes, it’s one machine that changed my life dramatically. I was first diagnosed with severe migraines back in 2001, in Grade 10. After that, I could never enjoy a rich …

Sleeping deeper

I am sleeping deeper now which I ascribe to the CES which I use daily. I am really pleased with my Elexoma. – KA, Kimberley, Northern Cape

CES benefits astounding

I did not want to jump the gun and ensure that I understand the benefit (if any) that I was getting. I am humbled with the extent you have gone …