What others say about the Elexoma

I did not want to jump the gun and ensure that I understand the benefit (if any) that I was getting. I am humbled with the extent you have gone to ensure that I get the best out of the device. Such customer service is rare in these times. Thank you.
The benefit I have obtained from the CES is nothing short of astounding. I have a high pressure job which has resulted in constant anxiety and stress which resulted in depression. That has dissipated to a large extent since I started using the device. I will watch the longer term effect with excitement.

Thank you very much. I received my parcel today and can now continue treating my Tennis Elbow. Well to be honest, the great advice Dr Frank Muller sent on Tennis elbow treatment worked absolute wonders. Problem is now I have developed it in the other elbow. But instead of suffering for six months or more like I did the first time before getting the Elexoma machine, I know my elbow will start feeling slightly better in the morning, and will be just a memory by Christmas.
Every home should have one of these – in fact they should come standard with any decent first aid kit. Thank you all.

I have never, in my life (and I am quite advanced in age already) experienced the kind of service excellence that I have with Integrow.

I am sleeping deeper now which I ascribe to the CES which I use daily. I am really pleased with my Elexoma.

Yes, it's one machine that changed my life dramatically. I was first diagnosed with severe migraines back in 2001, Grade 10. After that I could never enjoy a rich meal or even look into bright colours of items etc. In 2003 after a big rugby match, I had a migraine attack so bad that I was hospitalised for almost a month. They did a cat scan and MRI on me to see if the cause wasn't a tumour of some sort, luckily not. I went from doctor to doctor, changed my eating plan, started exercising, but still nothing helped, so I thought that this was one thing I will keep for life. Eventually, after having 3 migraines in a row in one week (3 days after each other) I decided that no matter what the cost - I need helped, so went through numerous websites, clinics etc, and found nothing. Then, one day at home (booked off due to the migraines) I tried one last more time. I found a link to your website. First I thought, yeah right, another money making scam, but I went on and decided to hire it from you. To my surprise, up till today - NOT A SINGLE MIGRAINE, AND BY THE WAY - I ALSO SLEEP BETTTER, I have not been using any sleeping tablets. I would recommend the Elexoma to anyone to try out.... well, it definitely works for me (and my aunt and grandmother) in various ways...

I recently leased the Elexoma Medic. All I can say is WOW!!!! I have had M.E. for 10 years, and it is truly helping me with my most severe symptoms which are a pounding/palpitating heart caused by a sensitized amygdala caught in constant fight or flight. I was severely traumatized as a child for a number of years (7 years of severe sexual abuse) which caused the M.E. and P.T.S.D. Although I have worked through all that tremendous emotional pain slowly but surely, nothing has been able to alleviate the pounding of my heart or my hyper alert brain (which is completely out of my control and very frustrating as I'm not a naturally highly strung person), but the Elexoma is helping tremendously and I could cry tears of joy as I am starting to feel like the calm person I've always known I am - my true self. As a result, my sleep is improving (insomnia is a struggle every night - sometimes very severely). Although I can still feel my heart all the time, to not have it surging with adrenaline constantly is such a precious gift. As a result, I have more energy and am coping a lot better on my bad energy days. I believe it will improve more and more as I continue to use this amazing, miracle device! I want my story to help other abuse survivors and give them hope. For some reason my body rejects medication(which is very scary) so I'm not on any meds, and that's also another reason why the Elexoma is such a genius machine, as trauma can be treated in a non-invasive way with brilliant, tangible results. I would recommend every trauma survivor to use it. It really works!! (After one week of use.)

Dear Frank
Thank you so much , again, for the Elexoma. I know it works!!! I am not taking any of the meds anymore. I am forever grateful!!!

Loving it - it has certainly helped me with the fibromyalgia - mostly using the earlobe electrodes.

Wou net se dat ek pynvry is!!!! Wel, tenminste die hele nag en vandag nog GEEN pyn hoegenaamd.... weet nie hoe en wat werk die Elexoma nie maar nietemin, ek kla nie... vir die eerste keer in n baaaaiiiee lank tyd het ek deurgeslaap en vandag kon ek wasgoed was en werk wat ek gewoonlik nie kon doen nie agv erge pyn... Kan steeds nie skouer oplig nie (frozen shoulder) maar ek kla nie.. hopelik sal dit nog met fisio en meds regkry later van tyd maar vandag is ek net bly dat ek nie sit en huil nie want dis hoe dit gegaan het vir die afgelope paar maande (dag en nag) - erge pyn gehad.

This Elexoma is fantastic.....use it almost every morning as I'm going through a very stressful time & I'm now sure it helps anxiety & depression tremendously. We have recently returned from Sydney & used CES on my husband for his phobia of being cooped up on plane for so long. Also relieved his headaches,he didn't take pain pills for weeks. I can no longer imagine life without this little miracle!!! Took it to Sydney & definitely shortened jetlag. Thank you, have recommended to many people but they seem scared to try it, how silly!

I would like to inform you of my brief experience since using the Elexoma. I literally am sleeping like a baby now, and I study better. I was an A student when I was still in high school, but after I had an accident it was never the same, I had difficulty retaining memory and this got me so frustrated.

I know that Elexoma definitely helps a lot. This is really sure. My anxiety was gone very soon after I started using it. And I didn't have any anxiety during my come off from tablets. I think you should put my case in your website. [This Oriental lady has a decades-long history of regular hospital admissions for anxiety and depression. She is now completely free from all medication.]

Ek en my Elexoma doen baie goed! My pynvlakke het so toegeneem dat ek regtig begin oorweeg het om selfmoord te pleeg. Toe kry ek iemand om my te help met die plasing van die electrodes en 1 tot 2 uur se behandeling vir vyf dae later is ek 'n ander mens! Die pyn is nog nie weg nie maar dis soveel beter. Ek kan dit nie beskryf nie. Baie dankie aan Elexoma, dit gaan soveel beter met my.

Thanks so much for all the interesting information. I really appreciate it. I am truly amazed at the benefits of the Elexoma With today's stressful lifestyle it appears that the Elexoma is truly beneficial. So many people are placed on anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants. I believe those meds are excellent and many people do benefit but they are being over-prescribed. It is great that there is an alternative for many who do not wish to be on lifelong potentially addictive meds. Thanks so much for all the info.

I'm a 37 year old female who has been battling with depression for approximately 4 years and have not been on treatment for 2 years, I just got tired of feeling like a "zombie" and as you can guess my condition got from bad to worse and started affecting my professional and personal life. When I read about this machine on the web I got excited as it sounded like a good product to have and decided to place my order. I must commend you for such a quick response as I received the machine the day after I've place my order. I immediately read my manual and by the end of Friday evening I started with CES and that evening already slept like a little baby and I don't feel as anxious as I normally do and my head feels "clearer". I want to thank you so much for such a great machine, I know now for sure that it will improve my life.

I am a very busy mom of three children aged 9 months,2 years and 8 years old. [M]y eldest son of eight suffers from autism. I hardly have time for myself and after discovering the benefits of the Elexoma machine, I spent a few minutes a day unwinding with my machine. My life has improved dramatically with the use of the Elexoma medic machine. I now live a healthy and fulfilling life without feeling tense and being crippled by cluster headaches. I am no longer on medication for my chronic headaches and my body feels more relaxed, my energy levels are high and my mood has improved. I find the Elexoma machine very therapeutic as it clears my head and I am able to breathe easily and not have frightening episodes of heart palpations. I applaud the Elexoma machine for improving my general well being and the quality of my life. Thank you for a great product, good service and making it affordable for everyone.

If there were a single word to sum up what I am seeing, is that people are feeling a new sense of clarity and resultant, HOPE! Isn't that wonderful? Today I treated a young lady of 29, who has always been seriously ADD, but had literally reached the end of the road, saying that she felt as though she was "falling apart". She is suffering from an overwhelming sadness, not having been able to stop crying for weeks. I let the CES (programme 1) run twice, while I allowed her to speak, and guided her when appropriate. The result was profound. She felt "lighter": I could see a change in her eyes and even her body language - something huge had shifted in the two hours we spent together. I will continue to monitor her, as she was in an extremely fragile place. I feel that this, in hindsight, will represent a clear dividing-line in her life.
A gentleman of 61, who has had ADD his whole life, is much calmer, more focused and getting the better of his procrastination. The subtle change started after the first treatment, and has had an accumulative effect over 4 sessions, over 10 days. His wife can't get over the change!!
I am so grateful for having found you, and the Elexoma. I know that I have added an extremely valuable tool to my box. Bless you in all the great work you are doing.

My TN [trigeminale neuralgie] het heeltemal verdwyn. Die verloop was as volg: Die eerste dag na behandeling het die intensiteit van die aanvalle ongeveer met 50% afgeneem. Vanaf die derde dag het die aantal aanvalle per dag verminder. Na verloop van tyd was die enigste aanval in die oggend en ook net as ek vanaf my regtersy op my rug draai. Hierdie aanval het mettertyd ook verdwyn. Ek het tot so 4 dae gelede net ligte tintelings (geen pyn het daarmee gepaard gegaan nie) in my gesig gevoel as ek in 'n "trigger" situasie gekom het. Huidiglik kry ek glad nie meer die tintelings nie. Die laaste twee weke het my slaap na normaal teruggekeer, voor dit moes ek regop sit en slaap en dit het my nogal uitgeput.
Die CES het definitief ook 'n positiewe uitwerking. Nogmaals baie dankie die Elexoma is een van die beste dinge wat nog in my lewe gebeur het. Dit is die ergste pyn wat ek ooit in my lewe ervaar het.

Unbelievable, can't believe after getting such bad headaches every month and after using MC [microcurrent] for two weeks - no more headaches, I've told various friends who suffer from headaches to visit your site. Thanks, Doc.

....this Elexoma is fantastic!!!! I now use it twice a week on bridge club days...........don't think it's placebo effect....but I play better bridge when I use it (don't quote me)...

Although my machine got homesick and decided to return to George I would like to record my appreciation for the friendliness, helpfulness and product knowledge of Frank, Henning and Paul.

Die Elexoma werk uitstekend!!, ook sommer nou al vir sinusse en ander pyne en skete. Baie dankie vir 'n uitstekende produk!!!!!!!

Ek is so tevrede met hierdie masjien. Melandi was November 2012 'n jaar op die masjien en haar punte het verbeter van 41% na 52%. Sy het 'n probleem met migraine gehad as gevolg van die Ritalin. Sy is nou heeltemal van die pille af en het nog geen migraine aanval weer gekry nie. Sou daar een dreig, sit sy gou die masjien op en siedaar, weg is die pyn. Sy het nie meer nodig om uit die skool te bly nie en dit het in die verlede ten minste 2 maal per week gebeur vir 2 - 3 dae.
Ek is so bly om deel van hierdie familie te wees en sal almal aanbeveel om dit te probeer.

Thank you so much for making a difference in my life. It is undoubtedly a crippling feeling when every thought and situation suffocates you...and your head feels like it's going to explode....and what makes it worse is when people tell you to chill and relax and you just don't know what is going on in your head. So from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for assisting me in feeling calm, free and happy. Conditions that felt unreachable.

Wow I am so surprised that my Elexoma has already arrived today! How fast is that! I am having my first treatment now and will see how it goes. Thank you for all the info and great service.

I used the Elexoma first time today and slept this afternoon for over 3 hours, so it already seems to have made a difference!

I am sitting in my office with the Elexoma on now.
I am sure without this little machine I would have thrown someone out of our top floor a while back already.
It seems to keep me cool, calm and collected.

We just want to say we LOVE the Elexoma! [My husband] and myself are both feeling much better in general, and also experiencing pain relief for our backs. Also, your manual is brilliantly written.

My Elexoma Medic has given me a new lease on life. I was diagnosed with burnout about 3 years ago, but was still working under very stressful conditions and as a result I started feeling anxious all the time. I have tried medication (main stream and herbal), but all without success. Now I find I only need to make use of the Elexoma Medic once a day. No medication needed and no anxiety.

I must say I didn't expect the Elexoma to have such quick results. In the short time that I have been using it, it has vastly improved my quality of life in terms of getting rid of the brain fog and the increase in ability to concentrate! I'm also feeling a lot more relaxed.

The best service levels I have ever received, in every way.
Keep it up.

Baie dankie die pakkie het gekom en WOW my ma se lyf voel soveel beter!!!! Sy het eintlik extra energie...

Just to let you know that the Elexoma continues to help some people…some with chronic back and hip pain, and just this last weekend, my sister who had acute rib pain from a fall in the bath-tub….not sure if it was merely a bruise, stretched muscle or even a minor "crack"….regardless, she did find relief after several treatments on program 4!

[My husband] is doing really well. We were out for Chinese food with his family, and only he and I were eating with chopsticks, and I exclaimed, "And that's post-stroke, too!" And we realized that we'd forgotten all about [his] stroke. That was a really nice moment!
We've found lots of other uses for the Elexoma as well - it seems like a really useful thing to have around.

Over the past two months, we've been using the Elexoma on our son, who was diagnosed mildly autistic. Among other symptoms, he was emotionally distant and had almost daily violent anger outbursts when he felt his 'cocoon' threatened. In his rage, he would hit his siblings or himself. Today, we cannot believe it's the same child. He is emotionally warm and much more alert to social cues. He participates in the household with enthusiasm. And we've only had one or two anger outbursts, when we forgot to treat him the previous day. Thank you, Elexoma! This has been an answer to anguished prayer.

The Elexoma worked so well for refreshing my state of mind, that the box of Alprazolam the Dr prescribed me to get through my divorce in August [four months ago] is sitting in my desk with only 2 empty blisters. I began to make such good decisions that now, by December, I find myself sitting in a position with a great new second hand car, great little house, and my ex-husband and I have a very good understanding between us and easily make plans for our son together.
I observe that not everyone has the motivation to actually use the machine! Maybe some people enjoy whatever state of mind they are stuck in.

I'd like to say thanks for the device - it has really helped. After a couple days I suddenly noticed that the anxiety I would wake up with had disappeared. I also don't struggle with depression like I used to, after about 3 weeks of regular use. So thank you!

I just have to tell you that I am suitably bowled over by your machine!!! After one treatment on my sinuses, I have woken up 3 mornings in a row without a sinus headache!
Now, what about the back & legs, you ask? Well, what can I say? After 3 sessions Wednesday I slept like a baby without a pillow under my knees!! When I got up on Thurs morning I didn't hobble in agony. Just got up and walked without ANY pain. And so we progress in leaps and bounds. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
I am so impressed that I took my miracle machine to a friend who suffers from ankylosing spondylysis and boy does she suffer! One treatment on her brain and one on her spine and she was more flexible and her shoulder was loose.
If I lived near George I would be there Mon morning to deliver you the best cheesecake you would have tasted! But sadly, I am over 1000km away.
Many thanks for your support and for being so kind to me!

I am a psychologist in Durban and used to be a Police Psychologist in the SAPS. As a result of my work as a Police Psychologist, it became necessary to work extensively with psychological trauma and, when I left the SAPS to open a private practice, I carried on studying and working with trauma (using many modalities: CBT, biofeedback, clinical hypnosis, relaxation with visualisation, NLP 'Rewind Technique, and so on). I eventually stumbled on CES and then bought an Elexoma from Dr Frank Muller. Not only have I found CES to be of great personal benefit, but I also find that many of my clients benefit from having a CES treatment while we continue with counselling/psychotherapy.
My daughter (Grade 11) always uses CES (Elexoma) when she is preparing for exams and learning and on the morning of an exam ... she is a straight A student. I have also found CES benefits my Adult AD/HD clients and clients suffering from "Compassion Fatigue" (aka Burnout/Vicarious Traumatisation/Secondary Traumatic Stress).