Looking for treatment protocols for specific conditions? Here they are!
For all the programmes outlined below, the optimal intensity is one that you just-just can NOT feel. In other words, increase the intensity until you feel the pulse, then decrease the intensity by a click of the Arrow Down button. Don't think you HAVE to feel it for the current to work. For pain treatment, higher intensities may be needed - let your pain guide you. You cannot harm yourself with the Elexoma!
There are many types of headache and they respond somewhat differently to electrotherapy. Here are some basic protocols. Feel free to adapt them to your situation.
Sleeplessness is a big problem in our city-dwelling population. Electrotherapy has been clinically shown to significantly relieve the symptoms of insomnia by helping people fall asleep faster, fall asleep again when waking in the middle of the night, sleeping longer and sleeping deeper. The longer you have been struggling with insomnia, though, the LESS likely electrotherapy is to help you. Also, if you are using tranquilizers / benzodiazepines on a regular basis, you will find that CES actually worsens your insomnia. Even so, many people have successfully used the Elexoma to wean themselves off sleeping pills and are sleeping quite well now. But it is not a magic wand. Here are a few suggested treatment protocols to treat insomnia:
- Treatment 1: CES (earlobe clips on the ears), Prog 1, 25 mins, ~300 to 550 uAmp once daily in the morning.
- Treatment 2: MET (gel pads), Prog 3, 30 mins, ~500 uAmp once daily in the evening BEFORE bedtime. Use the pre-gelled electrodes with electrode placements as on p.26 of the manual.
- Treatment 3: MET (gel pads), Prog 1, 99 mins, 550 uAmp once daily while sleeping.. Place the pre-gelled electrodes just behind the shoulder, on either side of the neck (only use ONE treatment lead, placement of the red and the black electrode NOT important).
Pain is by far the commonest complaint with which patients present to their healthcare professional. The Elexoma Medic is highly effective in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.
Acute pain
Treat acute pain with programme 2 or 4, depending on severity. If programme 4 does not help, then programme 8 is your friend.
For menstrual cramps, use programme 2 and place the electrodes on either side of the waist.
Chronic pain
Treat chronic pain with either programme 3 or 6, depending on severity of pain.
For pain due to joint problems (arthritis, hip replacement, etc), use programme 7. You can order smaller electrodes if you wish, to treat painful finger joints.
Attention-Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADHD)
Even though the existence of the "disorder" itself is still in dispute in some medical circles, this has not stopped an entire industry from developing around this "disorder". The Elexoma Medic is able to rapidly increase concentration span and improves all aspects of memory (memorising, retention and recall). It has been successfully used by dozens of school-going children to improve attention span and concentration, leading to drastically improved results. It must be emphasised, however, that the Elexoma Medic is no replacement for hard work, it simply helps the hard work to pay off. No technology on earth can provide motivation - that comes from within.
Drug withdrawal
The Elexoma Medic is often used by people who want to withdraw from drugs, whether of the prescription type or of the recreational type. Drug withdrawal is a complex and potentially dangerous procedure and should not be undertaken without the support of a healthcare professional.
Parkinson's Disease
Clinical studies have shown little or no benefit for the use of CES in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease and its symptoms. However, many anecdotes support the use of CES in the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. It can alleviate tremors and help the facial muscles to remain functional for much longer.
Wound healing
Skin lesions (Acute / chronic)
To assist wound healing in recent wounds, you can use either programme 2 or 4. These two programmes are identical in all respects, except in their duration (15 min vs 25 min). Treat for longer time for larger wounds. One treatment per day is all that is needed, but you can treat for longer or more often a day if you wish.
Example: Surgery - if you are going in for elective surgery, treat the area to be cut a few hours BEFORE you go into theatre, and then daily after surgery.
Electrode placement: Any placement that brackets the injured site is good. It does not even have to be close to the wound site, as long as the current flows through the wound site. Positive and negative placement not so important here.
Healing chronic wounds: Use programme 3 and bracket the wound site with the electrodes. Again, the electrodes do not need to be close to the wound site, as long as the current flows through the injured area. Once a day is enough. You should see significant results within four to six weeks. As with acute wounds, the placement of positive and negative electrodes relative to the wound site is NOT critically important.
Muscle injuries (Acute / chronic)
For acute muscle injuries, use programme 5. Electrode placement depending on the muscle group affected (see the manual for optimal placement options). If programme 5 does not help much within the first day, proceed to programme 8. Programme 8 is identical to programme 5, except that it allows you to use much higher intensities of current (which penetrate deeper into the muscle). For larger muscle groups and larger injuries, programme 8 will be the better option. Programme 8 is also useful when more than one site needs to be treated.
Nerve injuries (Acute / chronic)
For recent nerve injuries, use either programme 4, 5 or 8 (depending on how deep below the skin the injury is and how much pain is involved - higher programme for greater injury). Electrode placement as for other injuries in 1.1.
For older nerve injuries, use programme 3 or programme 6, depending on how much pain is experienced (programme 6 is the "stronger" programme). Electrode placement as above.
In cases of spinal cord injury or nerve palsy, place the black electrode on a limb below the injury site and the red electrode above the injury site, so that the current will flow along the nerve through the injury site. Programme 6 is recommended, once or twice daily. Nerve regrowth will be accelerated, but can still take 3 to 6 months, depending on a number of factors. The first symptoms of regrowth taking place is often a "pins and needles" feeling in the area supplied by the injured nerve.