Deal with Anxiety Naturally & Safely
Restore calm and peace with the Elexoma Medic
What can microcurrent do for anxiety?
Feel like you can’t breathe? Or perhaps don’t feel ‘real’, or for some reason believe you’re about to die. You can’t sleep, your thoughts are racing, you cannot calm down and everything is on edge. Suffering from IBS, muscle tension, sweaty hands or feet, dry mouth, or a heart palpitations?
Elexoma provides relief from panic attacks, PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, as well as phobias. The benefits are:
- Treatment is chemical free, so it’s safe – even for pregnant women.
- You can treat yourself in the safety of your own home.
- It won’t override your personality.
- It will give you an extra boost to get you through the day.
- One treatment lasts several days.
- It naturally increases serotonin, putting your brain in a ‘good mood’.
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How do I use the Elexoma for my anxiety?
The earlobe electrodes are dipped in tap water and then clipped on the earlobes. Programme 1 on the Elexoma device is the standard brain stimulation programme. The intensity is set to somewhere between 100 uAmp and 550 uAmp (the maximum). Most people barely feel any tingling on the skin. One 25 minute treatment a day is enough for treating anxiety, but some people may need two treatments (morning and evening). There is no need to disrupt your routine to treat yourself. You can continue with your daily tasks during treatment.
How the Elexoma helped others overcome their anxiety

This Elexoma is fantastic.....use it almost every morning as I'm going through a very stressful time and I'm now sure it helps anxiety and depression tremendously. We have recently returned from Sydney and used CES on my husband for his phobia of being cooped up on plane for so long. Also relieved his headaches, he didn't take pain pills for weeks. I can no longer imagine life without this little miracle!!! Took it to Sydney and definitely shortened jetlag. Thank you, have recommended to many people!

I know that Elexoma definitely helps a lot. This is really sure. My anxiety was gone very soon after I started using it. And I didn't have any anxiety coming off from tablets. I think you should put my case in your website. [This lady has a decades-long history of regular hospital admissions for anxiety and depression. She is now completely free from all medication.]

“[Patient] in late fifties; recently divorced out of abusive relationship with alcoholic: suffering with generalised anxiety disorder for the last two years, recurrent headaches (almost daily), insomnia. After four treatments she is sleeping better, no anxiety, NO headaches and “feels better than I can remember”.
The Science behind the Elexoma
Here’s why the Elexoma is so effective in helping with anxiety:
“I'll admit it. I was quite skeptical. How could a little device make people happy? Life just does not work like that. Due to my past experience in electrotherapy, I was originally consulted to comment on the Elexoma's performance in real-life situations. Taking careful notes and studying every bit of published research on CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) I could lay my fingers on, I observed its effects in a wide range or situations. The effects were astonishing, to put it mildly. Symptoms of stress or anxiety would resolve in a matter of minutes or hours in most cases. Just about everyone reported sleeping better and deeper.” Doc Frank – Integrow Health, George
82% of participants in one study suffering from an anxiety disorder reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after treatment with CES. (Kirsch D, Gilula MF, Electromedicine: CES in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, Practical Pain Management, March 2007, pp 40-47.)
A summary of eight controlled trials on the effects of CES on anxiety revealed an average 58% reduction in anxiety signs and symptoms. (Klawansky S, Yeung A, et al., Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of Cranial Electrostimulation, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1995: 183(7), pp 478-484.)